How I See, My Baby Learning New Skills.

My view on not so popular baby milestone.

Gitanjali Mule
3 min readJun 18, 2020
Grass and Concrete
Image of Grass and Concrete Patio

Before I dive into what my baby is learning these days, let me introduce myself. I am a freelance web developer and a mother to a very beautiful 15 months old daughter.

In a baby’s first couple of years there are many milestones they have to achieve. Starting from turning on her tummy to walking to talking to potty training. Baby learn new things every now and then. She will do new things randomly and most of them we don’t even realize unless we pay attention.

(Link for: Developmental Milestones for Baby in detail)

I won’t be focusing on all of them. But one in particular made me think a lot recently. No I am not talking about walking.

In the above picture , though we won’t realize but My baby climbed that step from grass to concrete without taking any support. Neither she used her hands to climb it. It is merely few inches , but when I thought about it , it was actually difficult for her to take that step without any help, like an adult.

Baby Siya trying to go from one surface to another

Day before yesterday, I was sitting in the patio doing my own things , Siya (My Baby Girl) was playing on the grass on her own. She loves to play outside. After few minutes I called her. She started walking towards me and stopped right at the edge of grass , right before the concrete patio. I couldn’t understand what she was doing. I was expecting her to get on the other side with her usual way which is if the flooring isn’t even then she bends down put her hands on the other side and pull herself together. Something like the way in the above picture. But instead she was just standing there and staring at the concrete. I again called her, she glanced at me and want back to staring at the floor. Then I started observing her, she was trying to balance herself on one leg and her left leg was little shaking. She was trying very hard and eventually she was able to put her left leg on the concrete patio and stand straight. She pulled her other leg and ran towards me. I had a sense of pride and smile on my face when she did it.

Yes , Walking is definitely a big milestone but this was equally big deal for me.

When I thought about it, We have showed her how to walk and tell her to take steps, but we never tell her how she should step from one surface to another. This was something she figured out on her own.

When you think about the forces that were in act, then stepping from one surface to another , which are not on one level, is actually very difficult.

She has to balance herself on one leg while dealing with gravitational force , when her other leg is in air, maintaining her motor skills to take the next step. She has to calculate the distance to put her leg which is in air. So many things are happening at once and Siya is doing all of it while maintaining her balance. There is so much thinking going on in 15 months old baby’s brain. So Yeah! figuring out all of this on her own is pretty ‘Big Deal' for me.

P. S. : I am going to write more blogs about my experiences as a parent. So keep watching this space and Don’t forget to follow me on Medium.

If you find any error then please comment, I will definitely improve.

I also write blogs on programming.

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Gitanjali Mule

Data Analyst |Python | R | Tableau | Web Application Developer | 10k+ views